On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 23:06:49 +0100
Tomas Vavrys <vav...@cleancode.cz> wrote:

> The thing is that it is very hard to
> persuade someone to use PGP all the time.

it is very hard to persuade someone to use PGP in the first place, and
even harder to believe they have a secure machine. Sometimes you may
find encrypted pdfs are an easy solution but then if they're running
adobe reader or worse flash then they're almost guaranteed to have had a
known exploit every week for the last.... I'll let you know when they
stop. Of course you could say similar about firefox, but the exploits
are rarely as bad. A graphical and simple (probably impossible) OpenBSD
browser, would really be something, but now I'm just dreaming.

On the other hand, the fact it is hard to get someone to use gpg may
mean that if they do then you can trust them to a higher degree than if
it was already setup for all users.

You can use gpg to securely talk to yourself, of course.

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