Hi Jan,

This actually happened again really late at night , one thing that strangely happened was that we had nagios setup to monitor CARP state and basically the secondary lb (same config etc) had its carp interface in "init" state and once again the primary relayd box was displaying problems. Users not being able to get to site and sometimes they could. When I tried to ssh into the box , I couldn't and after couple of retries when I was finally logged in. I try to do "relayctl show hosts " or "relayctl show sessions " or any other command. I got error. When I looked at PF states they were around 20K. I logged on to the secondary (backup carp) and of course saw that it was confused. These two boxes are connected directly. No switches or anything. It seems like the secondary box also wasn't able to fully communicate with the MASTER. When the states were back to around 8K, everything was back to normal. I could do "relayctl show sessions" etc.

Very strange this problem!! Is it PF? or relayd? can't really tell but I have to come up with something soon otherwise I would have to part way with this solution. Which I really don't want to :(

On 12/3/10 11:58 PM, Jan Johansson wrote:
Godesi<dabhee...@aim.com>  wrote:
We recently deployed OBSD4.7 boxes to do load balancing in our
environment with relayd.

After few hours we encountered problem with the server going beyond
10,000 states.
Are you convinced that it is a state problem?

In our tests we have found that a default setup of relayd will
handle 2540 connections and will then stop responding to new
connections might this be the limit you are seeing?

Our pf.conf is the default that comes with the install.

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