Mohit Chawla <> writes:

> I just wanted to confirm if the Kindle edition for Book of PF (2nd ed.)
> available on Amazon is a valid one, since the reviews in there are for the
> 1st ed, and there's no information about it on the OpenBSD website. Hope
> someone could confirm this.

My educated guess is that if you take care to click only the second
edition links, you will indeed get the second edition.  They probably
keep first edition copies around for cases when that's what a customer

Also, keeping the first edition reviews around probably makes sense to
some extent.  In some cases, second edtions are very light edits only
(unlike this one) and there's no way to tell how much actually changed
unless you read the material.  I suspect not too many people at actually read either edition of this one.

Then again, if you have any lingering doubts you could go directly to
the source at and get several ebook formats together (in
zip archive I think).

All the best,
Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
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