Hi Chris,

Chris Bennett wrote on Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 06:19:49AM -0500:

>>    SPACE_TO_UNDERSUser(Contributed Perl DocumeSPACEoTO_UNDERSCORE(1)
> OK, maybe "very ugly and wrong" is a bit harsh, but perldoc used to make
> those ugly titles

Right, and even groff-1.20.1 still did that, last time i checked.
I consider that a bug in groff.

One of the motivations to import mandoc was to make bug fixing easier.
Jason suffered from groff-1.15 bugs for years, and nobody ever
managed to fix them or to update groff.

So yes, when using groff-1.15, you do run into bugs.
To be honest, the vast majority has been fixed in groff-1.20.1,
so this one is an exception.

We are now at a point where reporting even minor differences between
groff and mandoc output makes sense, ideally to discuss at mdocml dot
bsd dot lv and after checking
to avoid repeated reporting of known issues.

Of course, reporting mandoc bugs to us is more useful than reporting
groff bugs to us - better report the latter to the GNU folks; all we
can do about them is to add them to the COMPATIBILITY sections in
the mdoc(7) and man(7) manuals.

Something good resulted from this investigation; i just added the
following to the TODO file:

- Header lines of excessive length:
  Port OpenBSD man_term.c rev. 1.25 to mdoc_term.c
  and document it in mdoc(7) and man(7) COMPATIBILITY
  issue found while talking to Chris Bennett

> and recently (perhaps due to someone's work? :) )


  Revision 1.25:
  Tue Mar 2 01:24:04 2010 UTC (8 months ago) by schwarze
  Branches: MAIN
  Changes since revision 1.24: +16 -9 lines

  In man(7), do not crash on very long title lines,
  and do not emulate groff's habit of printing garbage either,
  but just print the wanted information even though the format
  must be sacrificed because it won't fit.

That particular bugfix was already shipped with OpenBSD 4.7.

> now gets it right. 

Because we have now switched the default formatter from groff to mandoc.


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