2010/11/3 PrzemysEaw PaweEczyk <pp...@o2.pl>: > On Wed, 3 Nov 2010 05:51:40 +0100 > Tomas Bodzar <tomas.bod...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> > Perhaps I missed something but I couldn't find Scrub (Packet >> > Normalization) page on "PF: The OpenBSD Packet Filter" >> > (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/index.html). >> >> Take a look at here http://quigon.bsws.de/papers/2010/eurobsdcon/ > > Thanks. Then let "the scrub die" in the "Table of Contents" of the "PF: > Example: Firewall for Home or Small > Office" (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/example1.html), as there is no > Scrub chapter, and in ***pf.conf (8) man*** as well. :-)
There's nothing about scrub in that example, but here http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=pf.conf&apropos=0&sektion=0&manp ath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386&format=html you will find a lot of stuff about scrub. I can remember that it was for some time even as HTML comment on page so it was not visible without examination of HTML code. > > But seriously, if the Scrub option exists, however thinned, (see the > presentation p. 21-25) why the Scrub chapter was removed? It may be plan (to "hide" it for users to start avoiding use of that option), it may be bug in web page or maybe it's work in progress as there is new release and pages are changing right now > > Regards > > -- > PrzemysE aw PaweE czyk (P2O2) [pron. Pshemislav Paveltchick] > http://pp.blast.pl, pp...@o2.pl > > [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]