On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Chris Smith <obsd_m...@chrissmith.org> wrote:
>> I'm using mail(1) to send mail from my Gmail account. The messages I
>> send have my username and hostname in "From" header. Can I somehow
>> alter the "From" header to my gmail address?
> For a global change in Gmail:
> Settings > Accounts and Import > Send mail as: > edit info
> Otherwise add different accounts and send as them (although smtp
> authentication will be via the username and not the added accounts).
> Google Apps makes this more flexible as you can alias users.

Didn't mean to throw you off track. I read "I'm using mail(1) to send
mail from my Gmail account." as also meaning _through_ your Gmail
account, IOW using gmail as your smtp server.

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