On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Adam M. Dutko <dutko.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently tried to list contents of some of the CVS servers without doing
> checkout to see if it would be feasible to write a small script to identify
> hot spots in the development tree based on recent commits. B I believe this
> functionality is disabled due to security or resource usage concerns.
> The anoncvs.shar file shows most anon servers should chroot, drop
> privileges, and use read only mounts. B I imagine it's the read only mount
> that's the sticking point. B This can probably be accomplished using a
> copy or a cloned server using cvssync. B I just wanted to make sure I
> missing something with regard to why ls/dir doesn't seem to work. B Thanks.

It's quite old, but I think that answer may be inside

Papers & Presentations: USENIX 1999

    Opening The Source Repository With Anonymous CVS, Charles D.
Cranor & Theo de Raadt
    Anonymous CVS is an advanced source file distribution mechanism we
created to allow open source software projects to distribute source
code and information about code to Internet users. Built on top of the
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) revision control system, Anonymous
CVS safely allows anonymous read-only access to a CVS source
repository. Same paper in PDF format anoncvs-paper.pdf

    Slides that accompany the anonymous CVS paper. Presented at USENIX
1999 in June of 1999 in Monterey, California. Same slides in PDF
format anoncvs-slides.pdf

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