On 10/12/10 07:54, frantisek holop wrote:
hmm, on Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 07:12:57AM -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt said that
use linux, you are clearly a moron, it will suit you better.
your civility on this mailing list is decreasing by the day.
it was much better when you started. perhaps now you feel
you earned some right to call people names.
after seeing all the crap this guy continued to post after i made my
comment how can you possibly argue with my classification? i *totally*
called it. plenty of other people became fed up with this guy after he
continued to demonstrate his complete inability to grok attempts at
educating him.
trolls abound on this list, you can count yourself amongst their
numbers. why not harass any of the other people who, like me, were
rightly critical of dmitry? you do it because you are a troll.
it's great to know you are professionally offended, i'm sure that must
be a really rewarding career path.
when you are using an OS you will rarely or never renice processes,
it is a total waste of time. get a faster machine or let your
machine sit and do its work. micromanaging a computer is a fool's
are you trying to tell me how should i use my computer?
that's a fool's erand indeed.
nice/renice has legitimate uses both on desktop and server.
it can really make the difference between a "business as usual"
and an almost unresponsive machine.
listen, it's not 1985 anymore, renice does not matter. if renice
mattered someone would have fixed this long ago. i noticed this same
behavior back in 2004 when i was screwing around with running cpu
intensive simulations on an openbsd machine. after a bit of thought i
realized that i was not using the machine correctly: i should not have
services running on such a machine and expect it to be responsive when i
slam the cpu.