Hi all,

subject says a lot, but I will of course provide some details. I'm
reading trough archives, but I don't have server and I can't see
problems with numbers in outputs as in those cases. It's plain
workstation and when that happen my X die and I will end in console so
I need to startx again. I'm doing upgrade of snapshot every 3 days or
so. After that sysmerge -s -x and pkg_add -vur -D update. I can see
that behavior for last 2 weeks. Below are outputs (I can't see
anything wrong in them which will tell what's wrong) with actual
configuration and apps :

$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 4.8-current (GENERIC.MP) #456: Tue Oct  5 20:18:06 MDT

$ netstat -m
114 mbufs in use:
        17 mbufs allocated to data
        18 mbufs allocated to packet headers
        28 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses
        51 mbufs allocated to socket options
17/104/6144 mbuf 2048 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/6144 mbuf 4096 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/6144 mbuf 8192 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/6144 mbuf 9216 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/6144 mbuf 12288 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/6144 mbuf 16384 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/6144 mbuf 65536 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
468 Kbytes allocated to network (13% in use)
0 requests for memory denied
0 requests for memory delayed
0 calls to protocol drain routines

$ ulimit -a
time(cpu-seconds)    unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
data(kbytes)         524288
stack(kbytes)        4096
lockedmem(kbytes)    1112944
memory(kbytes)       3336720
nofiles(descriptors) 128
processes            128

in separate xterm I have 'ulimit -d 1024000' because of Qemu and memory for

$ cat /etc/login.conf

# $OpenBSD: login.conf.in,v 1.2 2007/01/09 10:20:12 millert Exp $

# Sample login.conf file.  See login.conf(5) for details.

# Standard authentication styles:
# krb5-or-pwd   First try Kerberos V password, then local password file
# passwd        Use only the local password file
# krb5          Use only the Kerberos V password
# chpass        Do not authenticate, but change users password (change
#               the YP password if the user has one, else change the
#               local password)
# lchpass       Do not login; change user's local password instead
# radius        Use radius authentication
# skey          Use S/Key authentication
# activ         ActivCard X9.9 token authentication
# crypto        CRYPTOCard X9.9 token authentication
# snk           Digital Pathways SecureNet Key authentication
# token         Generic X9.9 token authentication

# Default allowed authentication styles

# Default allowed authentication styles for authentication type ftp

# The default values
# To alter the default authentication types change the line:
#       :tc=auth-defaults:\
# to be read something like: (enables passwd, "myauth", and activ)
#       :auth=passwd,myauth,activ:\
# Any value changed in the daemon class should be reset in default
# class.
        :path=/usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/bin:\

# Settings used by /etc/rc and root
# This must be set properly for daemons started as root by inetd as well.
# Be sure reset these values back to system defaults in the default class!

# Staff have fewer restrictions and can login even when nologins are set.

# Authpf accounts get a special motd and shell

$ systat

   3 users    Load 0.90 1.12 1.23                      Tue Oct 12 10:11:35

            memory totals (in KB)            PAGING   SWAPPING     Interrupts
           real   virtual     free           in  out   in  out      428 total
Active   970340    970340   914428   ops                            200 clock
All     2425664   2425664  4577252   pages                          176 ipi
                                                                      4 em0
Proc:r  d  s  w    Csw   Trp   Sys   Int   Sof  Flt       forks      13 uhci0
     2    16       489   209  5190    52   144  233       fkppw         ehci0
   0.2%Int   1.5%Sys  14.0%Usr   0.0%Nic  84.3%Idle       pwait         uhci3
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       relck         ehci1
=>>>>>>>                                                  rlkok      35 ahci0
Namei         Sys-cache    Proc-cache    No-cache      60 ndcpy
    Calls     hits    %    hits     %    miss   %       2 fltcp
      224      224  100                               110 zfod
                                                        2 cow
Disks   sd0   cd0                                   27834 fmin
seeks                                               37112 ftarg
xfers    35                                               itarg
speed 1118K                                            17 wired
  sec   0.1                                               pdfre
                                                     1175 kmapent

$ top

load averages:  0.73,  1.02,  1.18

                                hostname 10:12:47
50 processes:  48 idle, 2 on processor
CPU0 states: 11.2% user,  0.0% nice,  1.8% system,  0.0% interrupt, 87.0%
CPU1 states: 29.9% user,  0.0% nice,  1.8% system,  0.0% interrupt, 68.3%
Memory: Real: 948M/2315M act/tot  Free: 947M  Swap: 0K/3577M used/tot

10904 user  35    0  734M  697M onproc/1  -         4:43 17.72% qemu
30348 user   2    0  128M  150M sleep/1   poll      1:15 14.40% firefox-bin
17472 user   2    0   30M   47M sleep/0   select    0:23  3.56% Xorg
29358 root       2    0 2904K 3404K sleep/0   poll      0:02  0.05% systat
21328 root       2    0  540K 1148K sleep/1   select    0:10  0.00% vpnc
20768 user   2    0   18M   37M sleep/0   poll      0:05  0.00% pidgin
26106 user   2    0 1404K 2024K sleep/0   kqread    0:05  0.00% tmux
 5498 user   2    0   12M   21M sleep/1   poll      0:05  0.00% psi
21994 user   2    0 1772K 2688K sleep/0   poll      0:02  0.00% top
16035 user  28    0 2484K 3588K onproc/0  -         0:00  0.00% top
12609 root       2    0 3504K 4152K sleep/1   poll      0:00  0.00% systat
 2429 _pflogd    4    0  612K  320K sleep/0   bpf       0:00  0.00% pflogd
 1983 user   2    0 3204K 5860K sleep/0   select    0:00  0.00% xterm
16147 root       2    0 1084K 1880K sleep/0   select    0:00  0.00% sendmail
    1 root      10    0  368K  304K idle      wait      0:00  0.00% init
  198 user   2    0  900K 1372K sleep/0   poll      0:00  0.00% dbus-daemon
17252 user   2    0  664K 2104K sleep/1   select    0:00  0.00% scrotwm
 4865 user   2    0 1172K 3924K idle      select    0:00  0.00% xterm
27400 user   2    0 1952K 1100K idle      netio     0:00  0.00% Xorg
23332 root       2    0 1556K 3340K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% cupsd
22967 user   3    0  740K  492K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% ksh
19852 user  18    0  636K  432K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
 7059 user   2    0 1064K 3780K sleep/0   poll      0:00  0.00% gconfd-2
 5922 _syslogd   2    0  592K  724K sleep/0   poll      0:00  0.00% syslogd
21306 user  18    0  480K  448K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% sh
10839 _dhcp      2    0  528K  300K sleep/1   poll      0:00  0.00% dhclient
18149 _ntp       2    0  600K  928K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% ntpd
30354 user   3    0  512K  540K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% ksh
24823 user  18    0  448K  444K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
18866 root       2    0  548K  808K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% ntpd
29855 root       2    0  480K  312K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% dhclient
17381 root       2    0  544K  828K idle      select    0:00  0.00% cron
28754 _ntp       2    0  724K  900K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% ntpd
 9221 user   3    0  516K  448K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% ksh
  858 user  18    0  460K  444K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
32364 root       2    0  556K  676K idle      netio     0:00  0.00% syslogd
23561 user  18    0  608K  448K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% sh
12387 user  18    0  612K  492K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% sh
13112 _dbus      2    0  884K 1328K idle      poll      0:00  0.00%
19211 user  10    0  276K 1432K idle      wait      0:00  0.00% xinit
 6532 root       2    0  424K  756K idle      select    0:00  0.00% inetd
 4647 user   2    0  672K 1316K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% tmux
10761 root       3    0  340K  808K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% getty
29930 user   2    0  620K 1584K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% dbus-launch
17856 user  18    0  456K  440K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
26055 user  18    0  436K  436K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
12220 user  18    0  552K  432K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
 1004 user  18    0  528K  428K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
 1796 root       2    0  548K  412K idle      netio     0:00  0.00% pflogd
22458 user  18    0  564K  420K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% sh

$ cat /etc/sysctl.conf
#       $OpenBSD: sysctl.conf,v 1.47 2009/06/09 11:52:54 sthen Exp $
# This file contains a list of sysctl options the user wants set at
# boot time.  See sysctl(3) and sysctl(8) for more information on
# the many available variables.
#net.inet.ip.forwarding=1       # 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of IPv4
#net.inet.ip.mforwarding=1      # 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of
IPv4 multicast packets
#net.inet.ip.multipath=1        # 1=Enable IP multipath routing
#net.inet.icmp.rediraccept=1    # 1=Accept ICMP redirects
#net.inet6.icmp6.rediraccept=0  # 0=Don't accept IPv6 ICMP redirects
#net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1     # 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of IPv6
#net.inet6.ip6.mforwarding=1    # 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of
IPv6 multicast packets
#net.inet6.ip6.multipath=1      # 1=Enable IPv6 multipath routing
#net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1   # 1=Permit IPv6 autoconf (forwarding must be
#net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=0         # 0=Disable TCP RFC1323 extensions
(for if tcp is slow)
#net.inet.tcp.rfc3390=0         # 0=Disable RFC3390 for TCP window increasing
net.inet.esp.enable=0           # 0=Disable the ESP IPsec protocol
#net.inet.ah.enable=0           # 0=Disable the AH IPsec protocol
#net.inet.esp.udpencap=0        # 0=Disable ESP-in-UDP encapsulation
#net.inet.ipcomp.enable=1       # 1=Enable the IPCOMP protocol
#net.inet.etherip.allow=1       # 1=Enable the Ethernet-over-IP protocol
#net.inet.tcp.ecn=1             # 1=Enable the TCP ECN extension
#net.inet.carp.preempt=1        # 1=Enable carp(4) preemption
#net.inet.carp.log=1            # 1=Enable logging of carp(4) packets
ddb.panic=1                     # 0=Do not drop into ddb on a kernel panic
#ddb.console=1                  # 1=Permit entry of ddb from the console
#fs.posix.setuid=0              # 0=Traditional BSD chown() semantics
#vm.swapencrypt.enable=0        # 0=Do not encrypt pages that go to swap
#vfs.nfs.iothreads=4            # Number of nfsio kernel threads
#net.inet.ip.mtudisc=0          # 0=Disable tcp mtu discovery
#kern.usercrypto=0              # 0=Disable userland use of /dev/crypto
#kern.splassert=2               # 2=Enable with verbose error messages
#kern.nosuidcoredump=2          # 2=Put suid coredumps in /var/crash
#kern.watchdog.period=32        # >0=Enable hardware watchdog(4) timer
if available
#kern.watchdog.auto=0           # 0=Disable automatic watchdog(4)
kern.shminfo.shmall=32768       # needed by Chromium
machdep.allowaperture=2         # See xf86(4)
#machdep.apmhalt=1              # 1=powerdown hack, try if halt -p doesn't
#machdep.kbdreset=1             # permit console CTRL-ALT-DEL to do a nice
#machdep.lidsuspend=1           # laptop lid closes cause a suspend
#machdep.userldt=1              # allow userland programs to play with ldt,
                                # required by some ports
#kern.emul.aout=1               # enable running dynamic OpenBSD a.out bins
#kern.emul.freebsd=1            # enable running FreeBSD binaries
kern.emul.linux=1               # enable running Linux binaries
#kern.emul.svr4=1               # enable running SVR4 binaries

$ tail -20 /var/log/messages
Oct 12 07:32:35 host savecore: no core dump
Oct 12 07:39:00 host ntpd[18149]: 0 out of 3 peers valid
Oct 12 07:39:00 host ntpd[18149]: bad peer from pool pool.ntp.org
Oct 12 07:39:00 host ntpd[18149]: bad peer from pool pool.ntp.org
Oct 12 07:39:00 host ntpd[18149]: bad peer from pool pool.ntp.org
Oct 12 08:00:01 host syslogd: restart
Oct 12 08:14:34 host vpnc[21328]: truncated in: 1427 -> -5
Oct 12 08:14:55 host last message repeated 3 times
Oct 12 08:16:32 host last message repeated 8 times
Oct 12 08:33:00 host vpnc[21328]: truncated in: 1427 -> -5
Oct 12 08:33:45 host last message repeated 5 times
Oct 12 08:50:04 host last message repeated 6 times
Oct 12 09:05:32 host vpnc[21328]: truncated in: 1427 -> -5
Oct 12 09:06:18 host last message repeated 5 times
Oct 12 09:24:33 host last message repeated 24 times
Oct 12 09:35:23 host last message repeated 4 times
Oct 12 09:42:01 host last message repeated 13 times
Oct 12 09:56:17 host /bsd: uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries
Oct 12 09:58:10 host /bsd: uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries
Oct 12 10:00:01 host syslogd: restart

$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "X.org Configured"
        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
        InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
        ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF/"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
        FontPath     "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/mscorefonts/"
        FontPath     "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/Liberation/"

Section "Module"
        Load  "dbe"
        Load  "dri"
        Load  "dri2"
        Load  "extmod"
        Load  "glx"
        Load  "record"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        Driver      "kbd"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Mouse0"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol" "wsmouse"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/wsmouse"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Section "Monitor"
        #DisplaySize      470   300     # mm
        Identifier   "Monitor0"
        VendorName   "DEL"
        ModelName    "DELL P2210"
        HorizSync    30.0 - 83.0
        VertRefresh  56.0 - 75.0
        Option      "DPMS"

Section "Device"
        ### Available Driver options are:-
        ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
        ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
        ### [arg]: arg optional
        #Option     "NoAccel"                   # [<bool>]
        #Option     "SWcursor"                  # [<bool>]
        #Option     "Dac6Bit"                   # [<bool>]
        #Option     "Dac8Bit"                   # [<bool>]
        #Option     "BusType"                   # [<str>]
        #Option     "CPPIOMode"                 # [<bool>]
        #Option     "CPusecTimeout"             # <i>
        #Option     "AGPMode"                   # <i>
        #Option     "AGPFastWrite"              # [<bool>]
        #Option     "AGPSize"                   # <i>
        #Option     "GARTSize"                  # <i>
        #Option     "RingSize"                  # <i>
        #Option     "BufferSize"                # <i>
        #Option     "EnableDepthMoves"          # [<bool>]
        #Option     "EnablePageFlip"            # [<bool>]
        #Option     "NoBackBuffer"              # [<bool>]
        #Option     "DMAForXv"                  # [<bool>]
        #Option     "FBTexPercent"              # <i>
        #Option     "DepthBits"                 # <i>
        #Option     "PCIAPERSize"               # <i>
        #Option     "AccelDFS"                  # [<bool>]
        #Option     "IgnoreEDID"                # [<bool>]
        #Option     "DisplayPriority"           # [<str>]
        #Option     "PanelSize"                 # [<str>]
        #Option     "ForceMinDotClock"          # <freq>
        #Option     "ColorTiling"               # [<bool>]
        #Option     "VideoKey"                  # <i>
        #Option     "RageTheatreCrystal"        # <i>
        #Option     "RageTheatreTunerPort"      # <i>
        #Option     "RageTheatreCompositePort"  # <i>
        #Option     "RageTheatreSVideoPort"     # <i>
        #Option     "TunerType"                 # <i>
        #Option     "RageTheatreMicrocPath"     # <str>
        #Option     "RageTheatreMicrocType"     # <str>
        #Option     "ScalerWidth"               # <i>
        #Option     "RenderAccel"               # [<bool>]
        #Option     "SubPixelOrder"             # [<str>]
        #Option     "ShowCache"                 # [<bool>]
        #Option     "DynamicClocks"             # [<bool>]
        #Option     "VGAAccess"                 # [<bool>]
        #Option     "ReverseDDC"                # [<bool>]
        #Option     "LVDSProbePLL"              # [<bool>]
        #Option     "AccelMethod"               # <str>
        Option     "DRI"        "Off"                   # [<bool>]
        #Option     "ConnectorTable"            # <str>
        #Option     "DefaultConnectorTable"     # [<bool>]
        #Option     "DefaultTMDSPLL"            # [<bool>]
        #Option     "TVDACLoadDetect"           # [<bool>]
        #Option     "ForceTVOut"                # [<bool>]
        #Option     "TVStandard"                # <str>
        #Option     "IgnoreLidStatus"           # [<bool>]
        #Option     "DefaultTVDACAdj"           # [<bool>]
        #Option     "Int10"                     # [<bool>]
        #Option     "EXAVSync"                  # [<bool>]
        #Option     "ATOMTVOut"                 # [<bool>]
        #Option     "R4xxATOM"                  # [<bool>]
        Identifier  "Card0"
        Driver      "radeon"
        VendorName  "ATI"
        BoardName   "Radeon HD 3470"
        BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen0"
        Device     "Card0"
        Monitor    "Monitor0"
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport   0 0
                Depth     1
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport   0 0
                Depth     4
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport   0 0
                Depth     8
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport   0 0
                Depth     15
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport   0 0
                Depth     16
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport   0 0
                Depth     24

$ dmesg

OpenBSD 4.8-current (GENERIC.MP) #456: Tue Oct  5 20:18:06 MDT 2010
RTC BIOS diagnostic error 11<memory_size>
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz ("GenuineIntel"
686-class) 2.93 GHz
real mem  = 3487125504 (3325MB)
avail mem = 3420065792 (3261MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 02/13/10, BIOS32 rev. 0 @
0xffea0, SMBIOS rev. 2.5 @ 0xf0450 (82 entries)
bios0: vendor Dell Inc. version "A03" date 02/13/2010
bios0: Dell Inc. OptiPlex 780
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices VBTN(S4) PCI0(S5) PCI4(S5) PCI3(S5) PCI1(S5)
PCI5(S5) PCI6(S5) MOU_(S3) USB0(S3) USB1(S3) USB2(S3) USB3(S3)
USB4(S3) USB5(S3)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: apic clock running at 265MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz ("GenuineIntel"
686-class) 2.93 GHz
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 8 pa 0xfec00000, version 20, 24 pins
ioapic0: misconfigured as apic 0, remapped to apid 8
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 4 (PCI4)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 2 (PCI2)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 3 (PCI3)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus 1 (PCI1)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCI5)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (PCI6)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C1, PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C1, PSS
acpibtn0 at acpi0: VBTN
bios0: ROM list: 0xc0000/0x10000 0xd0000/0x2000! 0xd2000/0x2800!
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 2926 MHz: speeds: 2933, 2667, 2400, 2133,
1867, 1600 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Q45 Host" rev 0x03
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "Intel Q45 PCIE" rev 0x03: apic 8 int 16 (irq
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Radeon HD 3470" rev 0x00
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
radeondrm0 at vga1: apic 8 int 16 (irq 11)
drm0 at radeondrm0
em0 at pci0 dev 25 function 0 "Intel ICH10 D BM LM" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 21 (irq 10), address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
uhci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 0 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 16 (irq 11)
uhci1 at pci0 dev 26 function 1 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 17 (irq 9)
uhci2 at pci0 dev 26 function 2 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 22 (irq 3)
ehci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 7 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 22 (irq 3)
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
azalia0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0 "Intel 82801JD HD Audio" rev 0x02:
apic 8 int 16 (irq 11)
azalia0: codecs: Analog Devices AD1984A
audio0 at azalia0
ppb1 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 82801JD PCIE" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 16 (irq 11)
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
ppb2 at pci0 dev 28 function 1 "Intel 82801JD PCIE" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 17 (irq 9)
pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 23 (irq 10)
uhci4 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 17 (irq 9)
uhci5 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 18 (irq 10)
ehci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 82801JD USB" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 23 (irq 10)
usb1 at ehci1: USB revision 2.0
uhub1 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
ppb3 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BA Hub-to-PCI" rev 0xa2
pci4 at ppb3 bus 4
pcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 82801JDO LPC" rev 0x02
ahci0 at pci0 dev 31 function 2 "Intel 82801JD AHCI" rev 0x02: apic 8
int 18 (irq 10), AHCI 1.2
ahci0: PHY offline on port 2
ahci0: PHY offline on port 3
scsibus0 at ahci0: 32 targets
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <ATA, WDC WD2500AAJS-7, 02.0> SCSI3 0/direct
sd0: 238418MB, 512 bytes/sec, 488281250 sec total
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 1 lun 0: <TSSTcorp, DVD+-RW TS-H653G, DW10> ATAPI
5/cdrom removable
ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 82801JD SMBus" rev 0x02: apic
8 int 18 (irq 10)
iic0 at ichiic0
spdmem0 at iic0 addr 0x50: 2GB DDR3 SDRAM PC3-10600
spdmem1 at iic0 addr 0x52: 2GB DDR3 SDRAM PC3-10600
usb2 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb3 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb4 at uhci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub4 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb5 at uhci3: USB revision 1.0
uhub5 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb6 at uhci4: USB revision 1.0
uhub6 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb7 at uhci5: USB revision 1.0
uhub7 at usb7 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378/4 irq 7
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support
uvideo0 at uhub1 port 6 configuration 1 interface 0 "Microsoft
Microsoft\M-. LifeCam Cinema(TM)" rev 2.00/1.05 addr 2
video0 at uvideo0
uaudio0 at uhub1 port 6 configuration 1 interface 2 "Microsoft
Microsoft\M-. LifeCam Cinema(TM)" rev 2.00/1.05 addr 2
uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 2 mixer controls
audio1 at uaudio0
uhidev0 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Dell Dell Smart
Card Reader Keyboard" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
uhidev0: iclass 3/1
ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 modifier keys, 6 key codes
wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
uhidev1 at uhub2 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "DELL DELL USB
Laser Mouse" rev 2.00/57.00 addr 3
uhidev1: iclass 3/1
ums0 at uhidev1: 8 buttons, Z dir
wsmouse0 at ums0 mux 0
uaudio1 at uhub5 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "JABRA GN 2000 USB
OC" rev 2.00/2.00 addr 2
uaudio1: audio rev 1.00, 5 mixer controls
audio2 at uaudio1
uhidev2 at uhub5 port 1 configuration 1 interface 3 "JABRA GN 2000 USB
OC" rev 2.00/2.00 addr 2
uhidev2: iclass 3/0
uhid0 at uhidev2: input=1, output=1, feature=0
vscsi0 at root
scsibus1 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
root on sd0a swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries
uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries

bIf youbre good at something, never do it for free.bB bThe Joker

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