On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 02:20:55PM -0300, Eduardo Meyer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to selectively announce what I get from my peers (whom I am
>> transit for) for a certain upstream peer. I decided to use community
>> to do so, like that:
>> # Add what I get from my transit peers to communyt $myasn:1010
>> match from $peer_t1 set community $myasn:1010
>> match from $peer_t2 set community $myasn:1010
>> # Selectively announce it to by upstream peer number 2
>> deny to $peer_up2
>> allow to $peer_up2 community $myasn:1010
>> But it did not work.
>> I dont want to manually declare the networks I get, and my upstream
>> wont allow me to "announce all".
>> What is wrong with the above OpenBGP rules?
> You need to set the announce type to "all" which means process all entries
> in the RIB with the outbound filterset. Announce "self" which is the
> default for eBGP sessions will block all non empty as pathes before
> passing the prefix to the outbound filtering. As soon as you do tranist
> you need "announce all" plus correct filters.

Hello Jeker,

I am "announcing al" already.

Please enlighten ment, when I do a

bgpctl sh rib out nei <description>

The prefixes I see are the ones the peer *accepted* from me or the
ones I am actually announcing, no matter if the peer accepts or not?

Because I "announce all" and later, filter by community, and the
abouve "sh rib out nei <d>" shows empty.

Thanks again.

> --
> :wq Claudio

Eduardo Meyer
pessoal: dudu.me...@gmail.com
profissional: ddm.farmac...@saude.gov.br

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