On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:19 AM, Carl Trachte <ctrac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/28/10, Anders Langworthy <lagrang...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Carl Trachte <ctrac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> "ifconfig iw0 scan" detects the mifi device and identifies it:
>>> nwid "Verizon MiFi2200 BB2F Secure" chan 11 bssid <6 part id> 82db 54M
>>> privacy,short_preamble,short_slottime
>>> I try connecting using the network id shown above and the 11 digit
>>> password on the back of the mifi unit:
>>> ifconfig iwi0 up nwid "<network id>" nwkey "01234567891"
>> That doesn't work because that password is not a WEP key. B It's a WPA
>> key. B WEP keys can't be 11 digits.
>> You want something like this:
>> ifconfig iwi0 nwid "Verizon MiFi2200 BB2F Secure" wpa wpapsk \
>> `wpa-psk "Verizon MiFi2200 BB2F Secure" "01234567891"`
>> Note that if your iwi device has the same quirk as mine you have to
>> run a scan after you change the nwid or you won't be able to get an IP
>> address.
>> Cheers,
>> Anders.
> Anders,
> Thanks for the command and the distinction between WPA and WEP. B This
> is the closest I've gotten to talking to someone who has
> gotten this to work on a non-windows system, and I appreciate your
> time.
> I ran the command and got:
> ifconfig: SIOCS80211NWID: Device not configured
> ifconfig: SIOCG80211WPAPARMS: Device not configured
> Not sure what these mean, but it looks like I've got a problem on my
> end. B Thanks again for the command, though.

Some info about those messages :


and especially here :


case SIOCS80211NWID:
                if ((error = suser(curproc, 0)) != 0)
                if ((error = copyin(ifr->ifr_data, &nwid, sizeof(nwid))) != 0)
                if (nwid.i_len > IEEE80211_NWID_LEN) {
                        error = EINVAL;
                memset(ic->ic_des_essid, 0, IEEE80211_NWID_LEN);
                ic->ic_des_esslen = nwid.i_len;
                memcpy(ic->ic_des_essid, nwid.i_nwid, nwid.i_len);
                error = ENETRESET;

                error = ieee80211_ioctl_getwpaparms(ic, (void *)data);

> Carl T.

bIf youbre good at something, never do it for free.bB bThe Joker

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