On 2010-09-23, Rikky Taylor <rikkytay...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> F.Y.I.
>> I believe PF still? performs better on i386 than it does on amd64.
> So if i have a Sun X4100 should I install the i386 version of OpenBSD or
> should I get different hardware for a firewall?

"performs better" depends on how you rate performance. Some people will
consider raw forwarding speed. Others will consider number of states.
I suspect i386 is better for one of these and certainly amd64 is for the

If you run close enough to the limits that it makes a real difference,
you should be testing both for yourself.

> Isnt pretty much all hardware 64bit capable these days?

No, there's a *lot* of hardware running on arm/mips processors which aren't.
Granted not a lot of it is currently running OpenBSD, but still.
If you're just talking about current-production x86-compatible hardware,
a lot is 64-bit capable, but there are still e.g. geodes, older VIA designs
etc, which are still quite widely used and 32-bit only.

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