On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Paul de Weerd <we...@weirdnet.nl> wrote:

> You received a /64 for your router interface ?  Or are you in a /64
> subnet with other customers ?  The setup sounds weird to me.  To what
> address is your ISP forwarding that /56 ?

Yeah, it's a bit strange. But it's their IPv6 beta; very few customers are
in it right now. I guess they won't give so much address space in the long
run. Right now, they give a /64 subnet to everyone in the beta, and, if you
tell them you will use a router (that's the case for everyone except those
who only have one PC connected directly to their ADSL modem), they also give
you a /56 subnet. They are all publicly routable IPv6 addresses.

> | Would I need to configure two OpenBSD boxes? One establishing the PPPOE
> | connection to my ISP with autoconf, and the other one with rtadvd
> running.
> | (With static routes between the two OpenBSD boxes). That would be
> somewhat
> | overkill...
> That would still require forwarding on the machine doing autoconf...

That's right. I typed to fast.

Simon Comeau Martel

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