LEVAI Daniel wrote:
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 09:30:57 +0200, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
Hi all,
did someone saw similar problem in scrotwm(1)? Eg. when I start
xeyes(1) on empty workspace from menu M-p it simply "shut down" X.
Wish I hadn't tried it :) Yes, it happens here too.
So someone here with similar behaviour?
not sure if it is the same bug but i have seen ephemeral windows e.g.
the little "Sending mail..." windows from seamonkey's mail client cause
scrotwm to crash. there is a patch to stop the crashing behavior in the
current cvs version. checkout cvs and see if your problem persists:
cvs -d anon...@anoncvs.freedaemon.com:/scrotwm co scrotwm
cd scrotwm
make obj && make depend && make && sudo make -DDEBUG install
- issue M-q to soft restart scrotwm using the freshly installed binary
- issue M-S-v to verify you are running the cvs version, should be 1.300
when i had scrotwm crashing, it would drop .core files and you can do a
decent backtrace with gdb when you have the symbols in there. run 'gdb
/usr/local/bin/scrotwm scrotwm.core' and issue 'bt full'. this output is
helpful for finding the bug(s) you're hitting.