Dave Anderson wrote:
On Fri, 13 Aug 2010, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
Dave Anderson wrote:
On Fri, 13 Aug 2010,j...@fixedpointgroup.com wrote:
sendmail is fine if you have a few users at a relatively quiet domain,
all of whom you want to have system accounts on the mailserver.
You imply that sendmail is _only_ fine for such limited uses, which is
certainly not true in my experience; I'm curious as to why you believe
please don't try to put words in my mouth, it makes you look stupid. at
no point did i say what you claim i 'implied' i.e. that it is the *only*
use case, you assume too much.
Implication is, by definition, about what you _didn't_ explicitly say.
In the context of this thread, the implication seems quite clear to me
-- but since it isn't what you intended, there's no reason for further
discussion of it.
it's a good thing you're doing whatever you're doing now because you'd
make a terrible mathematician:
i say 'item A is used for task A'
you say 'your statement implies that item A is not suitable for task B
or any other task besides task A'
i say 'you are fucking retarded because that is not an implication of my
original statement. usage is not a 1-to-1 mapping and a given item may
be used many different ways'
you say 'i define implication however the hell i want and live in a
fantasy land, k thx bye'