On Thu, 5 Aug 2010 15:30:18 -0600
David Hardy <planetm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to install symux, and when I try and run it I get:
> /usr/local/libexec/symux: can't load library 'libfontconfig.so.6.0'
> i have installed xbase47.tgz (it wasn't installed originally), and the
> library is there in /usr/X11R6/lib and I have run 'ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib'.
> I have also  added that to  shlib_dirs in rc.conf and rebooted.
> odd thing is if I run 'ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib' and then try symux, I get
> "can't load library 'librrd.so.3.0'". If I run "ldconfig /usr/local/lib", I
> get the original "can't load library 'libfontconfig.so.6.0'" if I run
> "ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/local/lib" i get "can't load library
> 'libfontconfig.so.6.0'".
> I know it's something simple, but I'm tearing my hear out with this. I'm
> thinking it has something to do wit the fact that I de-selected xbase47.tgz
> when I originally installed the OS. Any ideas?
> thanks
> david
I think you need libfontconfig.so.*, libfontconfig.a libfontconfig.la,
libfreetype_pic.a, libfreetype_pic.a, libfreetype.so.* copying out of
xbase47.tgz to the local system.

 I may have missed something, let me know and I'll check further, but
 you were certainly on the right lines.

Be warned rrd (i think it's that part) requires shell and you may have
to do some jigory pokery to keep yourself happy with the
security/chroot setup.

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