-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, I'm using lower case of `solved' just because i'm with some basic ideas for the moment.
Thanks for all or your suggestions. @Dunceor: So , i will start from src/sys , it's interesting for me. @Philip: I came from LINUX world , these VCS tools comes up a bit different , but i'd get used to it. @Richard: undeadly and bsdtalk is a good start then. - -- Best Regards, Aaron Lewis - PGP: 0x4A6D32A0 FingerPrint EA63 26B2 6C52 72EA A4A5 EB6B BDFE 35B0 4A6D 32A0 irc: A4R0NL3WI5 on freenode Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ iEUEARECAAYFAkxbXjgACgkQvf41sEptMqB/JgCYmdrepggZGJr3ozmtdC9ln2At RgCg1t9OcEm/sR2iUUGmhMQwbYmZNRE= =+Ij6 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----