-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 08/04/2010 06:36 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote: > > Correct me if I'm wrong again but another option for redundancy would be > to use two boxes for the connections with a trunk in failover mode. > (I'm guessing you don't want to increase bandwidth, if you've chosen > 3g?, or is this just a laptop or something?) >
- ------------------ - - ------- 3G (ppp0) - - OpenBSD Laptop - - - ------- Cable (em0) (sometimes wlan0 with wireless) - ------------------ Possible to gain double bandwidth ? I'm very curious. - -- Best Regards, Aaron Lewis - PGP: 0x4A6D32A0 FingerPrint EA63 26B2 6C52 72EA A4A5 EB6B BDFE 35B0 4A6D 32A0 irc: A4R0NL3WI5 on freenode Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ iEYEARECAAYFAkxZZSoACgkQvf41sEptMqByugCeJ0c+SVEqkvjLNDTlUrd/rerZ PvwAoNGpH5cOkQZyeGV/m21XGMR9ziRR =4e0X -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----