On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 18:27 +1000, Olivier Mehani wrote: > Hi, > > On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 04:07:06PM +0800, Bruce Khereid wrote: > > After startx, the GoToPage actions were bound to Ctrl-F and Ctrl-D in > > QWERTY layout (which are Ctrl-E and Ctrl-U in Dvorak, or the 3rd and > > 4th keys in the middle line), so I began to think all those bindings > > are parsed as in QWERTY layout. But after I restarted the fvwm (by > > typing restart in FvwmTalk), things changed, it began to interpret the > > configurations in Dvorak layout, that is, Ctrl-F and Ctrl-D in Dvorak > > layout, which are Ctrl-Y and Ctrl-H in QWERTY, started to turn the > > page. > > How (When) is your keyboard mapped to Dvorak? Is it in the global X > configuration, or only for the session (e.g. with a setxkbmap somewhere > in a xstartup script)? > > I suspect it's set up by the session, which means that FVWM starts while > your keyboard still has a QWERTY mapping, and based its shortucts on > that. Restarting FVWM would then let it rebind the shortcuts to the new > keys with the given symbols. > > I may also be completely wrong.
No you are not: At the first start of a more recent X the keyboard layout is in the early milli-seconds set to US, after that it changes to the value in the configs. FVWM does not yet support keyboard layout changes for keybindings (if ever). I wrote a ugly patch to support that, but the easy way is to set the xkbmap before: Just add a "setxkbmap de" in .xsession for example. I'll look forward to add this hint into the manpage of FVWM although it should be documented in X somewhere. happy FVWMing, chf