On 07/12/10 15:01, J Sisson wrote:
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac<
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br>  wrote:

I ONLY run the sshd that are allowed to connect from the Internet in
non-standard ports. Anyone that matters to know knows on witch port the sshd
is running.

Well, them and anyone who knows how to half-assed run nmap or any other
numerous service fingerprinting utilities.

Yes, absolutely true. Any well thought out, skilled attack will quickly find these other ports.

But I get many thousands of "idiot" bot attacks on my web server a month. Since I have a good script to slam them out right away with pfctl, I don't see much more than one or two log entries for each evil-doer. All attempts after that never get in.

Since most attacks on port 22 are by equally idiotic bots, I think it is reasonable to move sshd and block port 22.

Even with sshd moved, when I finally decided to block port 22, my bandwidth use dropped noticeably.

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