On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 02:31:52PM -0700, Noah Pugsley wrote:
> >>The only thing I've pretty much given up on is flash.  No big loss
> >>since removing the flashplayer plugin means firefox will crash
> >>slightly less often and you're spared a lot of the less useful ads.
> >>
> >
> >Well, one can still try Gnash or Swfdec.
> >
> >If one just wants to see videos on Youtube, one can still use sites
> >such as tinyogg and pwnyoutube to download the video and forget about
> >flash. That's my method.
> >
> And yt or youtube-dl from ports. Also, the greasmonkey scripts or
> whatever for firefox work great for youtube, vimeo and a few others.

yeah, greasemonkey + "youtube without flash auto" is *way* better
than swfdec or gnash for watching/downloading videos.


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