On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 08:23:47PM -0400, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> On 6/11/10 7:46 PM, Marco Peereboom wrote:
>> Haha odbc and mysqueel you do like pain eh?
> I know. But it's fast and when customers use MySQL, then you flow with it.
>> Why do you need ms access?
> Strictly as a GUI interface only. Liek select a row and paste huge  
> quantity of data that customers sent to update their database, etc. All  
> done at once and I get them most of the time in excel and sometime in  
> Access. So, select all data, and paste in Access link to MySQL via ODBC  
> and all is pasting all at once oppose to Open Office for example that  
> will and can only do one row. Think of it as a quick interfcae of  
> editing directly the database records. If oyu edit only one record, then  
> you can do somethng else, but dong multiple one, then it's still the  
> fastest way.

Why don't you write an import/export script?

VB is painful but lends itself well for this type of activity.

Anyway this has veered enough from OpenBSD relevance.

>> I still don't get what the problem is.
> It's a speed of usage issue for multiple row editing. I can do quick  
> edit directly with MySQL client in the DB, but when it comes to multiple  
> rows entry, etc. If you get the data in either from and then try to  
> convert in SQL statement for import and all. It takes way to much time  
> to do it and in the end, What I do in 30 seconds would take a very long  
> time doing it like that. It's a practical data editing and entry that  
> it's used for. And again Access is only and strictly use for it's  
> capability of GUI edit/paste only. And obviously I still need it to read  
> the data I get obviously.
> I know the idea looks stupid. I grant you that. (;> But if you ever see  
> it, you would see that it is darn quick and save countless hours and as  
> time is always missing in my days, anything that same me some will be  
> strongly consider. Plus ODBC is pretty darn old to and looks like places  
> start to drop it's usage too. It's a very limited usage and I really do  
> not care for any features of Access, etc. I could care less for it. As I  
> sai,d I only and strictly use it as a GUI over ODBC to edit records  
> directly in the remote database. Nothing else.
> I may not explain myself very well I agree. Sometime I have problem  
> doing so. but that's all there is to it really. Nothing more then that.  
> That's why it looks to stupid doing so and replacing it should be very  
> simple. But I just do not have an alternative for it and I looked for  
> many years! That is really the only thing I still have that force me to  
> keep VMWare, Microsoft and Access on a MAC for example. Everything else  
> have been replaced and I do not have an alternative yet on an OpenBSD  
> desktop. A very small price to pay, but never the less still stuck with 
> it.

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