Hi Johansson, Thanks a lot for your help, I really got your hint!!! I am not the king of the knowledge on OpenBSD, that is my first time on that list ok! But I work with Open for 4 years and know a little bit about that. The way you put your point of view seems that you know nothing about ntop, the last version is 3.4 with a lot of new features the version on the OpenBSD packages is 1.1.
I did not paste the details error, because that is not the point. I am just wondering if someone got success with last ntop version on OpenBSD. Thanks in advanced -- Rovercy de Oliveira Real Protect Information Security Fone: 21.2114.2323/Mobile: 21.9444.3788 http://www.realprotect.net "Better Information Security starts with Better Information" -----Mensagem original----- De: owner-m...@openbsd.org [mailto:owner-m...@openbsd.org] Em nome de Janne Johansson Enviada em: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 4:12 PM Para: misc@openbsd.org Assunto: Re: Implementing ntop - Last Version 2010/5/24 Rovercy de Oliveira <rolive...@realprotect.net> > Hi all, > > I have already tried to compile the source code to OpenBSD, but it > doesn't works at all. So what is the hint in my case? > > Stop hiding the details if you actually are looking for a solution. "doesnt work" means NOTHING to the readers. Nothing. Either you actually start providing info or dont post anything at all. Doing the "Hey, give me some attention and help, but YOU must pull the info out of me like as if it was my teeth" will not work. Lastly, ntop is in ports and available as a package. Knowledgeable People(tm) have succesfully compiled it to a working state so there are at least three reasons for you to look there: 1) you obviously arent one of the Knowledgeable People(tm) 2) www.openbsd.org recommends everyone to use precompiled packages unless a dire need says anything else 3) The one there works, I've run it myself. > -- > To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -- 19th century toast Este comunicado, incluindo seus anexos, e de uso exclusivo do destinatario e pode conter informacoes confidenciais e/ou privilegiadas. Se voce nao e o destinatario designado, qualquer uso, copia, divulgacao, veiculacao ou distribuicao e estritamente proibida. Por favor notifique o remetente imediatamente, respondendo este email, apague esta mensagem e destrua todas as copias. This communication, including attachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication and destroy all copies.