On 30/05/2010, at 4:50 PM, Casey Allen Shobe wrote:

> On 30 May, 2010, at 12:15 AM, Denny White wrote:
>> Not really sure what happened with
>> ftp://obsd.cec.mtu.edu/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/packages/i386/
>> since it worked fine for me including 'ls'.
>> As for the 2nd one you tried which didn't work:
>> ftp://openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/packages/i386/
>> Try this:
>> ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/packages/i386/
> Well, I've found that using an HTTP mirror works.  However, this is
concerning because all of these machines were able to use FTP properly before,
some Debian machines on the same network can use FTP mirrors correctly (plus
`ftp` to the same OpenBSD mirrors works from Debian), and the links browser on
the OpenBSD machines seems to do FTP correctly too.
> One way or the other, the 'ftp' utility seems to have gotten broken since
4.6.  I'd hazard to guess that it might not be supporting passive FTP anymore,
since active FTP does not work from the network and this is reminiscent of
what would happen if I tried using active FTP from behind a firewall in the
> I've worked around the immediate problem with HTTP for now...but is there
any more useful information that I can provide from my end?
(Re-sending, don't think I cc'd list first time)

Just from my experiences ...

Two 4.6 boxes (one behind ISA, one behind a 4.3 OpenBSD box - yes urgent
upgrade planned soon!)

Both upgraded from 4.7 CD, both had packages upgraded with:

export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp3.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.7/packages/i386
pkg_add -ui -D update -D updatedepends

(I tried the Australian mirrors but no 4.7 packages found on there when I
tried - or I did something wrong.)

Then fetched the first 5 patches by using FTP client to pull the files from
the links on the errata page.

No issues here.
> Cheers,
> --
> Casey Allen Shobe
> ca...@shobe.info

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