Thanks for your replies. I will investigate the freebsd link. I did
read that pf was behind in freebsd, which is why I wanted to use
OpenBSD. :)

Apparently the lspci in embedded linux is quite lacking in features.
This is the most it will give me:
00:0e.0 "Class 0203" "10ee" "0300" "0000" "0000" "solos"

as you can see by this output:
~# lspci --help
BusyBox v1.16.1 (2010-05-12 14:50:22 BST) multi-call binary.

Usage: lspci [-mk]

List all PCI devices

        -m      Parseable output
        -k      Show driver

Maybe I should install a full version of pci utils.

Thanks for your help. I can help out if anyone is writing a driver for
this card.


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