Hello, I have 3 simple but yet annoying doubts. First, it's about localpref. Today I have a /23 prefix which I announce only to one peer and which I also go upstream to this very only peer. However the upstream policy I had to use "pf route-to" to achieve the desired behavior. I could not arrange to sort a match filter which would allow me to set localpref to any destionation for a prefix of mine (outgoing). I cam, for sure, arrange to set destination based localpref. Say, I can raise or lower localpref for a given destination, but not for all destionations from a /23 source of mine. Tried things like:
match to $peer_2 prefix X.Y.Z.0/23 set localpref +50 But it wont work as I need. Please remember X.Y.Z.0/23 is announced by me. By second doubts is regarding "bgpctl show rib out". This command shows what I announce in one OpenBGP router but does not shows on any other one. I have read the man pages, I have softreconfig set o yes for both in and out (which is the default, btw, as mentioned on man page and as bgpd -nv shows me). Sometimes I use "bgpctl net show" but thats not as nice as "sh rib out". Finally, my last doubt. I want to re-announce the bogon prefix I get from cymru projet to by internal BGP servers. I do "announce all" but the bogon list prefixes I get from cymru don't get announced. I managed to " set community delete NO_EXPORT" since I believed the NO_EXPORT community cymru sends me is the cause of non-reannouncement on "announce all" desired behavior. However its still dont get announced to my peers. I tried things like: allow to $my_inner_peer community $cymruas:888 But they did not work. Any other suggestions? Thank you. -- =========== Eduardo Meyer pessoal: dudu.me...@gmail.com profissional: ddm.farmac...@saude.gov.br