Axel Rau schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I have a pair of redundant firewalls (obsd 4.6) and a server (fbsd 8.0):
>        +---+                      +------+
>        |   |                      |      |
>    ----+fw1+----------+ +---------+      |
>   carp0|   |carp1     | |      em0|      |
>        |   |          | |         |      |
>        +-+-+        +-+-+-+       |      |
>          |          | sw  |       |Server|
>        +-+-+        +-+-+-+       | fbsd |
>        |   |          | |         |      |
>    ----+fw2+----------+ +---------+      |
>   carp0|   |carp1              em1|      |
>        |   |                      |      |
>        +---+          DMZ         +------+
> We all know, the switch is the sigle point of failure.


I would say your Server is __the__ single point of failure (sure the
switch is also a spof but normally I'm more worried about servers then


> Even worse, when it fails the carp0 pair starts flapping, disturbing
> other firewall traffic.
> So, how to resolve this?
> Trunking would only be possible between 2 boxes, not 3.
> Carp on top of trunk?
> 2 Carp pairs on the firewalls and 1 pair at the server?
> If I get it right, the physical LAN should look like this:
>        +---+                      +------+
>        |   |        +-----+       |      |
>    ----+fw1+--------+ sw1 +-------+      |
>   carp0|   +--+     +-+-+-+    em0|      |
>        |   |  |       |           |      |
>        +-+-+  |  +----+           |      |
>          |    |  |                |Server|
>        +-+-+  +--|------+         | fbsd |
>        |   |     |      |         |      |
>        |   +-----+  +-+-+-+       |      |
>    ----+fw2+--------+ sw2 +-------+      |
>   carp0|   |        +-----+    em1|      |
>        +---+                      +------+
> Switches must have Spanning Tree support (RSTP), so I hope a pair of
> Netgear GS108T can do this.
> Any proposals highly appreciated,
> Axel
> ---
>  PGP-Key:29E99DD6  +49 151 2300 9283  computing @
> chaos claudius

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