-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 05/13/2010 01:52 PM, Jordan Earls wrote: > Just thought I'd share some pictures. > > OpenBSD 4.7 just arrived in the mail today(I'm in Oklahoma, USA). > Checkout http://earlz.biz.tm/openbsd_pics/ for pictures of some of it >
So cool ;-) SuperBSD (superman ?) - -- Best Regards, Aaron Lewis - PGP: 0x4A6D32A0 FingerPrint EA63 26B2 6C52 72EA A4A5 EB6B BDFE 35B0 4A6D 32A0 irc: A4r0n on freenode Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ iEYEARECAAYFAkvrmHkACgkQvf41sEptMqBqEACgq9/AMFZgHFzzaps//DefC4N6 zEMAoMnK3XAgNNdy6AdhBoTu08DIfTsD =wKAV -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----