On 2010-04-19, Andrew Klettke <aklet...@opticfusion.net> wrote: > Hello all, > > I'm having a (cosmetic) problem with a couple of OpenBSD boxes that are > using RADIUS authentication. > > When I install the OS, I create a local user with local authentication. > After the box's network config is all done, I then change the login > class of the user to so I can use RADIUS, by modifying > /etc/master.passwd with `vipw', so it looks like this: > (removed):*:1000:10:radius:0:0::/home/(removed):/bin/ksh > > The problem then occurs when /etc/security runs, as it gives the > following output: > > Checking the /etc/master.passwd file: > Login (removed) is off but still has a valid shell and alternate access files > in > home directory are still readable. > > This login is being used successfully with RADIUS, all is working as > expected, I just want to get rid of this error. Any input? >
Set the encrypted password to *************