> The ISC has one restriction and I never claimed otherwise.  The GPL has
> MORE restrictions.  I am not contradicting myself.  You just want to
> change the dictionary to match your little reality.

You are contradicting yourself. On your terms:

1 Freedom means no restrictions
2 ISC has one restriction

>From 1 and 2: ISC is not free.

Saying that ISC is "more free" than GPL makes no sense because, on
your terms, neither is free.

It would make quantitative sense if both were free.

What you are saying is:

"Freedom means no restrictions, ISC has one restrictions therefore ISC

That is called contradiction.

> It is abstract.  Again you want to change reality to match your little
> world view.
> Religious fanatics do the same.

I'm reasoning. I'm not bombing your house.

Also, being in the dictionary doesn't mean it's THE TRUTH. The dictionary
definition of Vacuum is quite different from the definition you find
in quantum physics. That does not mean that Quantum Physics is wrong.

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