On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Matthias Kilian <k...@outback.escape.de> wrote:
> What detail in the original reply Theo sent to the OP (and quoted > it later on this list) was rude? The lack of an answer. He could have said "Yes. Check your nearest search engine for details". Which would have conveyed more information in fewer characters. But instead he chose to just get annoyed at the question. Like it or not, OpenBSD developers have a horrible culture of being rude to those genuinely asking for information. Simply pointing the poster in the direction of the documentation without being so abrupt would achieve much more. But hey, what would I know? I've been using BSD since the '80s, and yet I've been told that I'm the sort of person OpenBSD doesn't need, and to go away. That should probably tell you something... FWIW, I still use OpenBSD, but now only on a firewall, and I've given up on interacting with the community. I have a Linux desktop, although I don't run the bloated horrors that are GNOME and KDE -- I haven't sunk that far yet :-) Tet -- bIt seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be wrong.b -- Chris Torek