Fascinating. I predicted Peereboom would post the same old rant. > > > My "fix" has nothing to do with childish attitude or being more nerdy than > > > you. It has everything do with GNU's twisted definition of freedom. > > > > > > > Yet, that's YOUR view on the subject. My views are quite different. > > His view is right and your's is incorrect. >
You can not dictate the truth. > > You probably hate the GPL. I like it. > > Because you hate freedom and are self proclaimed hippie. > I do not dictate my views to others. Your typical insults and testosterone bursts aren't effective where logical thinking is present. > > So let's stop arguing because this is already off-topic. You won't > > be able to change my views, and I won't even try to change yours. > > Why not? You are wrong, and worse not admitting it. > Yelling that I'm wrong and testosterone bursts won't make me wrong. Maybe logical arguments would change my mind, but that requires intelligence, not superficial whining. > The GPL is a promise of "good" communism. Wake me up when it starts > working. > Yet you use GCC. Marco, instead of complaining about GNU, GPL, FSF, Linux, etc. Why don't you write some code instead? I know it's a strange concept.