On Apr 13, 2010, at 3:27 PM, Christiano F. Haesbaert wrote:
Why not xdm ? Considering gdm is much much much heavier.

XDM does not have as configurable of an interface, at least of what I know of it (would be happy to learn otherwise though, as GDM depends on a lot of useless junk). Wanted something pleasing to users. It's mostly used by Windows admins to access Windows machines.

GDM does not really load any noticeably slower than XDM. It's simply that X11 takes a little bit to start and show up with the grey X11 default background (btw is that changeable? It makes my LCD flicker horribly). Then either XDM or GDM kick in after perhaps 3 seconds of that. Since it wasn't horribly slower (as KDM was), and I was able to figure out how to configure it to load ratpoison by default faster, that's what I used.

I may fiddle more around with XDM now that there is a working/ configured login manager in place.

Casey Allen Shobe

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