I follow stable tree, OPENBSD_4_6 branch. I'd like to update some of
my packages.
As an example,
# pkg_add -unvi tiff
gives the following message; 'No need to update tiff-3.8.2p4'

but my /usr/ports (OPENBSD_4_6) has tiff-3.8.2p5.
After running 'make package' inside ./graphics/tiff,
i got the binary file tiff-3.8.2p5.tgz from /usr/ports/packages/i386/all
and i replaced the old tiff package with that one by doing pkg_add
-rvi ./tiff-3.8.2p5.tgz

I wonder if that would create any problem.
As the system says 'No need to update tiff-3.8.2p4'. (I know that its
already the latest one from packages)
but i still update them to higher versions with my stable ports binaries.

I had to do the same for my php5 package too, (from php5-core-5.2.10
to php5-core-5.2.12)
Because i was getting httpd segfault crashes (suhosin?) with the
latest stable php5 package. (php5-core-5.2.10)

Is this a mistake? Is it ok to replace an installed package with a
higher version of it from the ports?


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