On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Super Biscuit <super_bisq...@yahoo.com> wrote: > Using mount -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd -o ro /mount/point /mount/directory does > not allow reading of /home /var /tmp and /root. > > The option of -o rw doesn't work from Linux to any BSD. (At least for me > because I do not know the proper commands.)
IIRC, linux won't mount 44bsd filesystems RW. > > Now, I am assuming that it can be a security risk that I am willing to take. > > The architecture I am using is macppc but I also have an i386 with OpenBSD on > it- along with FreeBSD, and Debian. > > > How do I read, write and access the 44bsd files from ext3? you're actually asking how to mount 44bsad filesystem RW. ext3 has nothing to do with it. linux has very limited 44bsd fs support.