On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Mark Leisher b: <mleis...@math.nmsu.edu>
> On 04/07/2010 09:43 AM, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 09:13:57AM -0600, Mark Leisher ??? wrote:
>>> I didn't see anything obvious in the archives, so apologies if I
>>> missed them.
>>> OpenBSD 4.6, Dell PowerEdge 2600
>>> Problem 1: Despite the existence of /etc/defaultdomain, the domain
>>> name is not being set at boot time. The "domainname `cat
>>> /etc/defaultdomain`" command is executed, but when the console
>>> becomes available, the domain name is no longer set. I had to do
>>> everything in rc.local to get NIS working.
>> Strange, I have never have to do that. But you are giving no details,
>> so it is not possible to see what you did or did not to make it not
>> work.
> This was on a clean install. The only changes I made when I noticed this
> problem was a new root password, a different port number for sshd, and of
> course the creation of /etc/defaultdomain. And to answer Bret's private
> email, the exit code from the domainname call in /etc/rc is still 0. It
> isn't a permissions issue.

what does running

domainname `stripcom /etc/defaultdomain`

from the command line tell you?

>>> Problem 2: Using the secure httpd (1.3.something), I am unable to
>>> make it see the user public_html directories. On an OpenBSD 4.0
>>> system I have, it works fine, and the 2.2.11 web server package for
>>> 4.6 works fine.
>> I suppose the use dirs are outside the chroot. The httpd in base does
>> chroot by default.
> I feel dumb! :-) I got so wrapped up in it I missed the obvious. Thanks.
> --
> Mark Leisher

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