On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 02:14:23PM +0200, Andreas Gerdd wrote:

> > when 4.8 comes out (a year after 4.6 came out) support for 4.6 will stop.
> Quite short time.
> > Our advise is to upgrade to a newer version and plan for that now.
> > It's not magic, in fact it is pretty easy in almost all cases.
> It is not magic, but it is more than magic if you have only remote ssh
> access and nothing else. :-(
> Regards.

Our upgrade guide gives a (tested!) procedure to do remote upgrades.

There's more risk involved compared to an upgrade at the console.  But
that's a consequence of you deciding to run a remote machine without
console access. 

If it matters: I often upgrade machines with only ssh acccess, and
never had to drive to the colo to fix things. 


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