I recently finished the support for the MicroTik RouterBOARD RB600A by
giving OpenBSD/socppc a miniroot image that one can simply write to
Compact Flash and stick onto the board.  Detailed instructions have
been added to INSTALL.socppc.  All essential hardware on the board is
now supported (with lots of contributions from dms@).  While the board
has some limitations (no battery-powered clock, Compact Flash only
supports PIO) I quite like the board, and it has been serving as my
firewall at home for a couple of months now.

I'm interested in extended support for more SoC's in the Freescale
PowerQUICC II Pro range.  Especially the MPC8308 and MPC8377 look
interesting.  If anybody is interested and willing to donate a
development board or a hackable product based on these chips, please
contact me.

To guarantee the availability of releases and snapshots, Theo really
needs a machine.  Since the Thecus N1200 seems to be no longer
available, it would be nice (pretty much essential) we get him a RB600
board with indoor case and 110V power supply.  There is a list of
distributors on http://www.routerboard.com; best thing is probably to
order from the online shop of the Canadian distributor and have them
ship directly to Theo.



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