The more useful for now will be to send output of dmesg, pcidump -v, usbdevs -v and eg. netstat -m during some typical load on your machine.
2010/3/8 Miguel Araujo PC)rez <>: > I have a VIA EPIA running OpenBSD 4.6. Since I installed it, It has had kernel > panics from time to time. I have it running pf in front of a test lab. Every > time it hangs, I have to go to that location to restart it. I believe it happens > because of network load. > > I know I can change OpenBSD to restart when it panics, but I will rather debug > the panic and learn some OpenBSD on my way. > > Last time It happened I got this message: > pool_do_get(mcl9k):free list modified: page 0xd1bdf000; > > I am not an expert user, but It looks like some memory is having trouble. I > looked online and it said something about mbufs bad written. I am suspecting > that I have some hardware issues, I guess related to network cards. > > I have read man crash, man ddb and others. But I am not really sure how to > proceed on this. I am not a kernel developer, so moving over the stack and > memory using ddb will give me no clue about what is going on. > > Do you think if I post the trace and other information on the lists I will get > any help? any recommendations? > > Thank you very much for your time, > Miguel