> > #!/bin/sh -x
> >
> > ver="46stable"
> > VER="OPENBSD_4_6"
> > root="/Stash/Sources"
> Is this necessary or desirable?  I ask because it is my impression
> that on NetBSD,  DESTDIR="/" and DESTDIR unset is used to
> discriminate between a "full installation", including /etc and
> what we're trying to do here, which is updating the host doing
> the compilation on the fly.  How does OpenBSD discriminate
> between those two cases?  

By hving it unset.

> My habit is to unset DESTDIR
> before commencing a make build.

Damn right.

I think we've done an admirable job of keeping /usr/src/Makefile and
/usr/src/etc/Makefile mostly readably and without other obtuseness, so
please do go read them.  It is pretty clear.

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