On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 09:17:58AM +0530, Siju George wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Jason Beaudoin <jasonbeaud...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > not necessarily.. I had a wacky HD controller that provided similar
> > results in dmesg, but if the op asked, I'm guessing that isn't the
> > case :P
> >
> Ok I am running with that disk any way to see how far it goes :-)
> It is a second firewall and if it goes I can route the traffic throguh
> the first one. So no problem

atactl(8) can possibly give you some more data.

 # atactl wd0 smartenable
 # atactl wd0 readattr
 Attributes table revision: 16
 ID      Attribute name                  Threshold       Value   Raw
   1     Raw Read Error Rate               51            200     0x000000000000
   3     Spin Up Time                      21            100     0x0000000005e4
   4     Start/Stop Count                  40            100     0x000000000067
   5     Reallocated Sector Count         140            200     0x000000000000
   7     Seek Error Rate                   51            200     0x000000000000
   9     Power-On Hours Count               0             63     0x000000006bef
  10     Spin Retry Count                  51            100     0x000000000000
  11     Calibration Retry Count           51            100     0x000000000000
  12     Device Power Cycle Count           0            100     0x00000000004c
 194     Temperature                        0            115     0x00000000001c
 196     Reallocation Event Count           0            200     0x000000000000
 197     Current Pending Sector Count       0            200     0x000000000000
 198     Off-Line Scan Uncorrectable Sect   0            200     0x000000000000
 199     Ultra DMA CRC Error Count          0            200     0x000000000000
 200     Write Error Rate                  51            200     0x000000000000

You should have similar attributes.  If the Reallocated Sector Count and
Reallocation Event Count are non-zero, then you have failing sectors on
that drive (which is a good sign your disk is starting to head down

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