Le Samedi 20 Fivrier 2010 12:21:14, Bret S. Lambert a icrit :
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 11:49:54AM +0100, Jean-Francois wrote:
> > Good morning,
> >
> > Is it possible to do filtering through pf or blocking traffic based of
> > MAC adress recognition ?
> >
> > We want to identify the machines on the internal network based on their
> > MAC adress and filter.
> >
> > Can tools like pf fo this (not in my actual searches) ? another way ?
> Although pf cannot filter on mac addresses, you can set up a
> bridge interface to add tags to packets, which pf can then
> act upon.
> > Regards

Hello Bret,

Can you please briefly explain the principle. I can see ifconfig(8) mentions
also that however it is still not clear.

I need to make a subnet with a local dhcp server and to filter on this side. I
believe I will do some NAT.


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