On 17. feb. 2010, at 08.47, Claudio Jeker wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 03:35:24AM +0200, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
>> On 17/02/10 03:16, FRLinux wrote:
>>> Mmmh, you picked my interest here. You mentioned your cisco 6500 but I
>>> guess you are going to use only gigabit NICs, so you have no need on
>>> the 10gb range? Just asking, not trying to start a war :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Steph
>> ps. the cisco crawled when I enabled IOS firewall features (statefull).
>> Firewall interface == $35K.... come one now... Too much money!
> The 6500 and 7600 cisco systems are not able to do stateful firewalling
> in HW and have also issues with stuff like netflow exports. Unless you buy
> the super expensive line cards. Even the big SUP boards come with a tiny
> CPU running at the speed of a loongson -- those can be killed with a few
> Mbps of multicast traffic.
> --
> :wq Claudio

Just to balance the anti-cisco viewpoint:

If you want to do deep packet stuff in HW, then Cisco offer the FWSM & ACE &
NAM modules for 6500/7600.

The SUPs (meant for switching/routing, not FWing) support CoPP (control-plane
policing) in HW, which should be configured to prevent abusive traffic hitting
the CPU, this (amongst a large list of others) includes high PPS multicast.
For example see:



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