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J.C. Roberts wrote:

> Stop bitching and think.
> 1.) You do not have a name. You only have an email address.
> 2.) If your email address really indicates your location, then you are
> on a tiny island *EAST* of Madagascar in the Indian ocean.
> 3.) Although the island or Reunion is technically part of France, and
> hence technically part of the EU, most people believe GMT +0400 is
> outside of the EU.
> To put it bluntly, this is the very first time I have *EVER* seen the
> ".re" ccTLD being used.
> Jacek is a good guy, but considering the above, most people selling
> goods on the Internet would expect a scam. Your order probably got
> caught up by automated scam filters in the order processing system
> (e.g. an EU credit card being used with a seemingly non-EU shipping
> address). This is unfortunate, but for you, it's a fact of life.

I've had a PayPal account for over 10 years, and in that time I have
purchased electronic media, like *.pdf files, which is what Jacek is
selling, quite a few times.

The payment arrives in the seller's PayPal account, and after a few days
(as opposed to a few months, as appears to be the case in this
situation) there is zero chance of the funds being unavailable to the

Usually, professional sellers of electronic media have the process
automated, sending an email to the purchaser, containing the URL for
download, and a unique login key/password, which is good for a limited
amount of time.

Jacek may be a good guy, and suspecting a scam is a sensible strategy,
but a responsible seller, who had received payment, would be wise to see
that his/her paying customers were well taken care of.

I sell artwork on my dotcom domain, which is a physical entity, as
opposed to electronic media, and which requires shipping, as opposed to
electronic delivery.

I receive both genuine and scam requests for purchase. It's pretty easy
to tell one from the other.

- --
- -wittig
Comment: Using GnuPG with CentOS - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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