On 16 feb 2010, at 10.40, Claudio Jeker wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:22:04AM +0100, Per-Olov Sjvholm wrote:
>> Hi "misc"
>> I am looking for a tool to use as a trigger for dynamically open PF ports
>> certain IP:s.
>> I will access non critical info but want at least a port knocker as
>> If I access an IP on my DMZ that is not in use on a port that is fake I
>> to dynamically add a PF rule for a totally different purpose. Let's say I
>> access which is blocked and logged in PF, what is the
>> easiest way to create a trigger from the PF log or the PF log device?
>> A cron job with grep in the PF log and then run pfctl to add the rule is
>> many points of view a bad choice... I don't want to dig through the PF log
>> it can be huge, and I don't want to use a cron job as it takes to long..
> There is a way to do port knocking in pf without any external help. Maybe
> you can figure it out. I will not give more hints since port knocking is a
> dumb idea better spend your time reading on authpf(8).
> --
> :wq Claudio

How do you use authpf from a IPhone or similar...

The reason is to use and RSS reader that cannot autenticate. I want some sort
of security for it even though it's not critical. Therefor I want to just have
trigger in the PF log. To try to find an SSH client to use authpf for all RSS
client capable phones is not an option.


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