hello, i would encourage people to consider sending donations in for this, i think it would be an extremely good investment. claudio already has a good start on an implementation of an iscsi initiator, but he's at the point where he needs real gear to work and test against. given the gear i fully expect him to be able to make progress pretty quickly, which in turn means the rest of us can then use it. aside from the usefulness of it, i would love to see some iscsi code done the OpenBSD Way(tm) out in the wild too.
cheers, dlg Begin forwarded message: > From: Claudio Jeker <clau...@cvs.openbsd.org> > Date: 11 February 2010 7:38:40 PM AEST > To: source-chan...@cvs.openbsd.org > Subject: CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: www > > CVSROOT: /cvs > Module name: www > Changes by: clau...@cvs.openbsd.org 2010/02/11 02:38:39 > > Modified files: > . : want.html > > Log message: > I'm looking for a rack-mountable iSCSI capable NAS/SAN for iSCSI initiator > developement.