
Thanks for the patch - good idea. However....

Since the firmware on the MacBook Air in question does not recognise non-OSX
(HFS+) USB memory sticks, I could only test this patch by applying it on
another machine's tree, then 'make release' and burning the created cd47.iso
to a CDROM. Upon booting from the CDROM on the 'Air, it just hangs at the SSD
disk detection line in dmesg. Further if I 'boot -c' to try to enable verbose
booting in UKC, then it just sits at the UKC> prompt, due to the fact that
neither the internal or a USB keyboard work at that point.

any ideas ?


On 29. jan. 2010, at 20.15, Brynet wrote:

> Hi,
> Perhaps it's unrelated to your problem, but you could try forcing your
> SATA controller into AHCI mode.. maybe you'll see your drive then.
> -Bryan.
> Index: dev/pci/ahci.c
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/ahci.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.158
> diff -N -u dev/pci/ahci.c
> --- dev/pci/ahci.c    21 Jan 2010 10:16:44 -0000      1.158
> +++ dev/pci/ahci.c    29 Jan 2010 19:11:12 -0000
> @@ -442,6 +442,8 @@
>           NULL,               NULL },
> +         NULL,               NULL },
>           NULL,               ahci_nvidia_mcp_attach },

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