On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Jason Dixon <ja...@dixongroup.net> wrote:
> I'm proud to announce the rebirth of JigglyPuffBSD.  Catering to the
> distinguished *BSD user, JigglyPuffBSD aims to meet the demanding
> requirements of today's enterprise architectures.  With support for a
> broad range of buzzwords, it excels in B.S. and P.O.S. applications.
> As a fork of OpenBSD, we're proud of our heritage.  We've taken great
> pains to craft our regex with performance and precision in mind.
> Copyrights have been rewritten and attributions vanquished.  This is not
> your grandfather's BSD.  We're American and damn proud of it.
> http://jigglypuffbsd.blogspot.com/

Someday JiiglyPuffBSD will make it on one of those "history of unix"
timelines that come out periodically.  I can just feel it.


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