* Steve Shockley (steve.shock...@shockley.net) wrote:
> On 1/24/2010 2:48 PM, Ted Unangst wrote:
> >Cron runs the weekly update script every Saturday at 3:30am.  If you
> >use a laptop or other desktop, your computer probably isn't on then.
> >So the locate and whatis databases never get updated unless you run it
> >by hand.
> Perhaps run a script via cron occasionally, maybe every six hours
> where six hours corresponds to 3:30.  If /var/log/weekly.out is more
> than, or exactly, a week old, run weekly.  if /var/log/weekly.out is
> less than a week old, only run /var/log/weekly if it's 3:30am on
> Saturday.

+1. Cron jobs could be run more frequently IMHO, i.e. every 2-3 hrs, as cron is 
cheap and to make this work on infrequently used machines.


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