With every single laptop I've bought/been given over the years, I was able to run OpenBSD on them almost flawlessly save a few quick/simple hacks to make anything that didn't work, work.
The one main issue I've had with ALL of them was the wireless card...maybe I was just unlucky to have gotten ones with crappy chipsets (like this Broadcom I have now which is totally useless... I want to stomp on it real badly) but nonetheless it pisses me off. I want to try and help solve my own problems as well as for the OBSD community who might also have this particular issue, so I'm looking to research on how to reverse engineer these things and write drivers for them. I know it's not easy, even though I don't understand how hard it is because I've never done it before, but I do hear that if there's a hell, it's a place where people are sent to do this for eternity. So with that reference in mind, would anyone experienced care to point me in some correct direction? (Which texts to read, which programming language(s) to focus on, etc.)